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2009环湖赛的并不是单一的主题 第八届环湖赛宣传标语 Slogans for the 8th Tour of Qinghai Lake International Cycling Race 1. 齐心协力办好环湖赛 昂首阔步建设新青海 Holding a successful race, building a new Qinghai 2. 绿色环湖 金色梦想 Green race, golden dream 3. 活力青海手拉手 人文环湖心连心 Hand in hand for an emerging Qinghai, heart to heart for a people’s race 4. 相约魅力新青海 拼搏环湖赛 Meet in charming new Qinghai, compete in exciting cycling race 5. 我为环湖赛添光彩 环湖赛因我更精彩 Contribute to the Tour of Qinghai Lake, present an even exciting event 6. 手拉手当好东道主 心连心办好环湖赛 Hand in hand to be a good host, heart to heart to hold a successful race 7. 心系环湖赛 情牵新青海 Best wishes for a successful race and new Qinghai 8. 美丽的青海 和谐的旋律 奋进的乐章 Beautiful Qinghai, harmonious rhythm & motivating movement 9. 环湖赛绽放 新青海成就梦想 A race of passion, a place of dreams 10. 展新青海风 铸环湖赛辉煌 Exhibit uniqueness of new Qinghai, build glory of magnificent race 11. 挑战运动极限 演绎大美青海 Challenge extremes of sport in picturesque Qinghai 12. 建设富裕文明和谐新青海 Build a developed, civilized and harmonious new Qinghai 13. 自信 开放 创新 Being confident, open to the world, strive for innovation 14. 争创青海新优势 打造青海新品牌 展示青海新形象 Create new advantages, build new brands and show new image of Qinghai 15. 美丽青海湖 精彩环湖赛 Beautiful Qinghai Lake, Inspiring Cycling Race 16. 绿色青海湖 人文环湖赛 Green Qinghai Lake, people’s cycling race 17. 心系环湖赛 情满三江源 Love cycling race and protect the Source of Three Rivers 18. 关注环湖赛 热爱新青海 Support cycling race, Love new Qinghai 19. 挑战极限 面向未来 Challenge the extreme & embrace the future 自行车运动是青海体育的一个亮点。环湖赛已经是成熟的赛事,青海省已连续成功的举办了七届环青海湖国际公路自行车赛。第八届“环湖赛”于7月15日至26日举办,今年这一届环湖赛,将再增3个赛段,赛程初步确定由1356.4公里延长至1500余公里,比赛时间由10天延长至12天,中间将休息1天。按国际有关规定和要求,这是赛事升级的一个重要标志。同时,这也是青海省力争在10年内,将环湖赛打造成与环法赛并驾齐驱的世界顶级赛事而取的一项具体措施。第八届环湖赛开幕式在青海省七彩秀的故乡,和中国青稞酒的原产地《互助土族自治县》举办。检举 回答人的补充 2009-06-12 15:07 20. 青海各族人民欢迎您 Qinghai People Welcome You 21. 绿色 人文 和谐 Green, Civilization & Harmony 22. 谋发展 促和谐 奔小康 Exploring development, enhancing harmony and striving for moderately prosperous society 23. 塑造开放形象 促进经济发展 Opening to the world & enhancing economic development 24. 落实科学发展观 展示青海新形象 Implement the strategy of scientific development, showcase new image of Qinghai 检举 回答人的补充 2009-06-12 15:07 25. 发挥高原优势 开发体育 打造竞赛品牌 构建和谐社会 Utilize advantages of Qinghai, develop sport resources, establish race brand and build harmonious society 26. 让世界了解青海 让青海走向世界 Let the world learn about Qinghai, let Qinghai embrace the world 27. 祝第八届环湖赛圆满成功 Wish the 8th Tour of Qinghai Lake a complete success! 28. 开放文明新青海 魅力无限环湖赛 Open & civilized new Qinghai, charming and wonderful cycle race 29. 更高 更快 更强 Higher, faster, stronger 30. 环湖赛-青海(西宁 海北 海南 海东 黄南)各族人民的节日 Tour of Qinghai Lake--Festival of Qinghai people 31. 青海湖畔 江河源头 展现自行车运动新魅力 Discover new charms of cycle sports in Qinghai 32. 环行青海湖 竞技梦之颠 Fulfill dreams of sports competition around Qinghai Lake 33. 热情参与 无私奉献 Participate with enthusiasm, contribute without reserve 34. 我参与 我奉献 我快乐 I participate, I contribute, I enjoy 赛团结 赛意志 赛风格 赛水平 A competition of unity, determination, manner and ability 36. 挑战自我 突破极限 Challenge oneself, exceed extremes 37. 挥动 放飞梦想 Embracing passion, pursuing dreams 38. 同一个世界 同一个梦想 One World, One Dream 39. 抓住新机遇 迎接新挑战 攀登新高峰 Taking new opportunities, embracing new challenge, striving for new height 请登陆环湖赛:://.tdql.cn/index_ch.asp
